Go Pilipina! is a discussion forum for Filipino women.

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[Closed] Rules, DO's and DON'Ts

Go Pilipina Admin
Member Admin
  • Be respectful. No Bullying, personal attacks, instigating fights, or degrading posts.
  • Be respectful or at least tolerant about other's religion, beliefs, identity, gender, race, ethnicity, lifestyle, choices, status, personal effects, etc.
  • Avoid arguments. Be peaceful and diplomatic with your discussions and avoid heated arguments.
  • No spamming, advertising, self-promoting, or soliciting.
  • No promotion of drugs, supplements, or medications. Please consult your doctor if you're in need of these.
  • No flaming, name-calling, or trolling.
  • No offensive, graphic, gore, or pornographic content.
  • (PG-13). Be mindful that younger people may look in these forums. Let's set a good example to them.
  • No harassment, sexual advances, and other forms of blackmailing.
  • No cursing, vulgar/offensive language, and profanities. 
  • No fake news, spreading of misinformation, or unsubstantiated claims.
  • No alternate accounts.
  • No headhunting for other forums.
  • No promoting of other forums.
  • No promoting or inviting to join Multi Level Marketing or pyramiding schemes.
  • Avoid doing business deals, investments deals, or any kind of trade and transactions. 
  • Do not wrongfully pose/pretend as an "official" Administrator or Moderator. Accounts caught posing as such will automatically be banned from the community. 


If you break these rules, then you can be warned, restricted, suspended, or banned. If you are warned and you continue the same behavior, then you will either be restricted or banned entirely. Actions against members are taken as we see fit on a case-by-case basis, as it can depend on the severity of the offense.

Warnings mean you are told you have broken a rule, but we may not take any further actions other than to kindly ask you not to continue such actions or behaviors. It's possible we may give multiple warnings.

Restrictions mean you likely continued the same offense or are a repeat rule-breaker, so certain boards or abilities may be restricted to you. You will be informed of how long these restrictions will last. 

Suspensions mean that your account is temporarily not accessible. You wont be able to access member's only boards or do anything with your account for a period of time. This will be due to the gravity or repetitiveness of your offense. You will be informed of how long these suspensions will last. 

Bans mean you cannot access the forum at all, or ever again. Examples of immediate banning includes: spamming, trolling, inappropriate content, disrespectful posts, and multiple accounts. If you create a second account, then it will be banned unless you request to use it instead of your first account.

The administrator and moderators have the right to edit, delete, move, censor, or close any thread or post as they see necessary with or without notice.

This topic was modified 1 year ago 3 times by Go Pilipina Admin

- Official Admin of Go Pilipina!

Topic starter Posted : 21/11/2022 1:13 am