Go Pilipina! is a discussion forum for Filipino women.

Women's Discussions
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Women's Discussions

Top topics that Filipino Women likes to discuss.
Women's Discussions
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Everything Under The Sun

You can talk about random or trivial things here
Topics: 3  |  Posts: 10

Beauty and Talents: ...


News and Current Events

Share news and discuss important matters locally and abroad. Please only share factual information and from reliable sources as much as possible.
Topics: 2  |  Posts: 3

Whang-Od, 106 Years ...

Go Pilipina Admin

Dating and Relationships

Topics about dating and relationship stories, advises, tips, places to go for dates. Discussions of love-life or the lack of it. Success stories and heartbreaks.
Topics: 2  |  Posts: 7

Why are there men in...

Travel and Outdoors

Vacations and adventures! Share your good and bad experiences with tips on how to get to exciting destinations. Share what to do. Ask directions and methods of transportation. Recommend places to stay or things to bring.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Health, Well-Being, And Fitness

Topics about being healthy in mind and body. Discussions may include mental health and other healthy strategies. Proper diets, workouts, and more!
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Entertainment, Movies, Music, TV Shows

Seen a good movie lately? Give us your review if it's worth seeing. Na-LSS ka nanaman? Tell us how you relate to that song's lyrics. What shows are so good that you just cant help it but to binge watch? Give us recommendations of shows to see and songs to hear!
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Style, Beauty, And Fashion

Recommend outfits and stylish trends. Share your beauty tips, skin and hair care. Share cosmetic brand reviews.
Topics: 1  |  Posts: 1

Perla laundry soap a...


Pets And Vets

Discussions for overall care for your pets. Review your pet's favorite accessories, food, and toys. Share your pet's vet experience and give feedback and tips.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Food, Beverages, And Meal Preps

Share your recipes with the community. Teach cooking or baking tips. Are there any special preparations you do with your Adobo? How about meal prep techniques? Anything about food and beverages, share them with us!
Topics: 2  |  Posts: 4

A must try Southeast...


Business, Side-Husles, and Gigs

Starting up your own business? In need of extra income? Look for inspiration from your fellow Filipina entrepreneurs. Ask your questions or share your small business success stories. You can also share failures and advises!
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Work, Careers, Jobs Local And Abroad

Discuss work ethics and trends in your industry. Share information about job opportunities, salaries, and benefits both locally and abroad.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Personal Finance, Money Matters, Investments, Credit Cards

Discussions about money and finance. Investments such as stocks, bonds, forex, and crypto. Share tips how to use credit cards to first timers.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Education, Short Courses, Seminars, And Trainings

Share memorable stories about your school life. Ask for information about universities, courses, and TESDA certifications. Look for information about libraries or share details about books.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Family Life, Parenthood, And Marriage

Give advises to soon to be parents. Share motherhood stories and wedding day memories. Discuss family life and more!
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Home Decorations And Gardening

Which furniture and appliances shops to go to, IKEA or SM? What plants are good for indoors? Give home designing tips and discuss life as a "plant-tita".
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Hobbies And Leisurely Activities

Got a hobby? Share your passions here! Knitting, playing the guitar, dancing, sports. Know your fellow Filipina's favorite past time.
Topics: 1  |  Posts: 3

Embroidered this han...

Celebrities And Personalities

Do you have a crush on a certain celebrity? Perhaps it was your first time seeing a well know personality in a local coffee shop. Or maybe you just want to discuss KathNiel things. We are here for you!
Topics: 1  |  Posts: 2

Share ko lang, nakit...

Tech And Gadgets

Share reviews on the latest gadgets that you have. Recommend your favorite appliances or maybe give information on how to operate them.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Cars, Motoring, And Biking

Who says women can't fall in love with automobiles and bikes?! Discuss topics about motoring and even Philippine highway laws. What cars to recommend on a budget which Insurance offers the best services.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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History And Politics

Discuss the roles of women in history or how important events has shaped the modern Filipino woman. Dive deep into politics and share your insights.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Science And Discoveries

Discuss breakthroughs in the world of science. Share information about your favorite Filipina scientists or even just discover the things that are new today.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Horoscopes

Discuss Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, or even Horoscopes. Get insights from fellow Filipinas who are passionate about these topics.
Topics: 0  |  Posts: 0

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